Job Figueroa Perez
Origin: Miami, Florida
Qualification: 2013 Evo Champion
Character(s): Zero, Vergil, Hawkeye
Flocker has always been an incredibly strong player on the competitive scene but 2013 was his breakout year as he managed to take the UMVC3 title at Evolution against a stacked field of opponents. Despite not being voted in by the fans for the Capcom Cup tournament itself, Flocker is still out to prove that he is on top of the UMVC3 food chain with his Zero/Vergil/Hawkeye team. With $1000 on the line, the "Clash of the Champions" first-to-five exhibition series between the freshly minted Capcom Cup winner and Flocker will truly be one of the highlights of the event.
Chancla Powers Activate? idk lol